84 MW Ivovik Wind Farm in Livno and Tomislavgrad
Novosti EN

Reporters of BiH state television visit Ivovik construction site


11/16/2022 11:21

The state radio-television of Bosnia and Herzegovina - BHRT broadcast a report “Construction of Ivovik Wind Farm is forging ahead”, after a visit to the project site in Livno. The report noted that this is the largest investment in renewable energy sources in BiH so far, in which Chinese investors are investing over 130 million euros.


Director of the Engineering Department and Coordination Manager of VE IVOVIK briefed the BiH public about manifold benefits that this project brings to the local community, such as the supply of clean electricity for over 100,000 households, and reduction of annual carbon dioxide emissions by around 240,000 tons. Domestic companies are currently engaged in the project, as well as over 100 local workers.


Ivan Vukadin, President of the Canton 10 Government spoke for the state television about economic benefits of wind farms, such as income for city and cantonal budgets.


Lately, many local media are showing interest in the Ivovik Wind Farm project.




Source: BHRT

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